分詞が接続詞と動詞の役割を兼ねて副詞句として働くとき、''分詞構文''(Participial Construction)と呼ぶ。


*分詞構文の基本形 [#xb151c95]


|~単純形|CENTER:moving|CENTER:(being) moved|
|~完了形|CENTER:having moved|CENTER:(having been) moved|

**接続詞+分詞構文 [#u904f973]


-''While driving'', you must avoid using a cell-phone.
-= %%%'''While''' you ''are driving''%%%, you must avoid using a cell-phone.

**分詞構文+as one does [#a7bb040c]

分詞構文に様態を表す副詞節<as one does>(doesは代動詞)を添えて、「なにしろ~なので」と理由を強調することがある。

-''Liking children as she does'', she will surely become a wonderful teacher.
-= %%%'''As''' she ''likes'' children as she does%%%, she will surely become a wonderful teacher.
*分詞構文の表す意味 [#n68ee567]

**時 [#y6b9f8ad]

-''Seeing'' this photo, I always remember my school days.
-= %%%'''When''' I ''see'' this photo%%%, I always remember my school days.

-''Skiing'' in Hokkaido, he twisted his ankle.
-%%%['''When''' | '''While'''] he ''was skiing'' in Hokkaido%%%, he twisted his ankle.


-''Leaving'' from Kyoto at nine, the train arrives in Tokyo at eleven.
-= %%%'''After''' it ''leaves'' from Kyoto at nine%%%, the train arrives in Tokyo at eleven.[文の動詞より前の時]

-The train leaves from Kyoto at nine, ''arriving'' in Tokyo at eleven.
-= The train leaves from Kyoto at nine %%%'''and''' ''arrives'' in Tokyo at eleven%%%.[文の動詞より後の時]
**原因/理由 [#g8c793d7]

-''Living'' very far from town, she seldom has visitors.
-= %%%'''As''' she ''lives'' very far from town%%%, she seldom has visitors.


-''Not knowing'' what to say, I remained silent.
-= %%%'''As''' I ''didn't know'' what to say%%%, I remained silent.


-(''Being'') ''Written'' in plain Chinese, the book is suitable for a beginner.
-= %%%As it ''is written'' in plain Chinese%%%, the book is suitable for a beginner.

-''(Being) tired'' from a day's work, he went to bed as soon as he came home.
-= %%%'''As''' he ''was tired'' from a day's work%%%, he went to bed as soon as he came home.

-(''Being'') ''A man of responsibility'', he didn't leave the matter alone.
-= %%%'''As''' he ''was a man of responsibility''%%%, he didn't leave the matter alone.

**付帯状況 [#eb8f79b1]

***同時:~しながら [#i451c4d7]


-Mary was humming to herself, ''working'' in the kitchen.

-The driver walked away, ''leaving'' his car engine running.
---with his car engine runningとも書ける。[[with+独立分詞構文:http://mep.papiko.com/index.php?%E5%88%86%E8%A9%9E%E6%A7%8B%E6%96%87#g3e1a171]]を参照。

***連続:そして~ [#k0f4b983]


-Miki %%%took out a key from her bag%%% and %%%opened the box%%%.


-''Taking'' out a key from her bag, Miki opened the box.
-Miki took out a key from her bag, ''opening'' the box.


-Miki, ''taking'' out a key from her bag, opened the box.
--主語が代名詞の場合、主語の直後に分詞構文が挿入されるかたち(She, taking out ・・・)はまれ。

**条件 [#scfe9a25]


-''Seen'' from an airplane, the island looks like a human face.
-%%%['''If''' | '''When'''] it ''is seen'' from an airplane%%%, the island looks like a human face.

現在分詞を用いて条件を表すのは、Weather permitting(天気が許せば)のような慣用的な表現に限られる。

-''Weather permitting'', we'll go hiking tomorrow.
**譲歩 [#h6294740]

分詞構文が譲歩の意味を表すときは、以下の例文のように<Admitting ~>(~は認めるが)から始まることがほとんどであり、それ以外の分詞を用いる場合は<接続詞+分詞>のかたちで表すことが多い。

-''Admitting'' you are busy, I still think you should do it.
-= %%%['''Although''' | '''Though'''] I ''admit'' you are busy%%%, I still think you should do it.

-''Though'' (''being'') very busy, she helped me finish the work.
*分詞構文の完了形 [#ne1cd354]


-''Having slept'' well last night, he feels fine today.
-= %%%'''As''' he ''slept'' well last night%%%, he feels fine today.

完了形の分詞構文をneverで否定する場合、語順は<Never having ~><Having never ~>のどちらでもよい。

-[''Having never'' | ''Never having''] been to that city, she had no idea where to get on a bus to the temple.
-= %%%'''As''' she ''had never been'' to that city%%%, she had no idea where to get on a bus to the temple.
*独立分詞構文 [#l1089df7]

分詞構文の意味上の主語が文の主語と異なる場合、分詞の前に置いて明示する。このような分詞構文を''独立分詞構文''(Absolute Participial Construction)と呼ぶ。独立分詞構文は極めて堅い文語的な表現とされ、日常会話で用いられることは非常に珍しい。

-'''It''' ''being'' fine, we decided to go fishing in the river.

-'''All things''' (''being'') ''considered'', George is the best person to be the next manager.

-'''Such''' ''being'' the case, I cannot attend the next meeting.

-'''Human nature''' ''being'' what it is, people will always find ways to differentiate themselves from each other.


-'''There''' ''being'' no bus service, we had to walk home.

**懸垂分詞 [#mb428ebc]

分詞構文の意味上の主語が文の主語と一致していないにも関わらず、独立分詞構文となっていない分詞を''懸垂分詞''(Dangling Participle)と呼ぶ。懸垂分詞は、英語母語話者によってしばしば用いられるが、文法的には誤用とされる。

-''Being over two hundred years old'', I had difficulty reading the document.

上記の例文のままでは、"over two hundred years old"なのは文の主語であるIになってしまうため、次のように修正するのが普通である。

-'''The document''' ''being over two hundred years old'', I had difficulty reading it.
*with+独立分詞構文 [#g3e1a171]


-The young man was sitting there, ''crossing'' '''his legs'''.[分詞構文]
-The young man was sitting there, with '''his legs''' ''crossed''.[with+独立分詞構文]

-The girl walked down the street, ''followed'' by her dog.[分詞構文]
-The girl walked down the street, with '''her dog'''  ''following'' her.[with+独立分詞構文]

-I can't concentrate with '''you''' ''standing'' there.[with+独立分詞構文]
*慣用的な分詞構文 [#m8937de5]


-''Generally speaking'', Americans are friendly and open.

-[''Talking'' | ''Speaking''] ''of'' Indian restaurants, I know a good one around here.

-''Weather permitting'', there will be an outdoor concert given by the university brass band tomorrow.

-[''Granting'' | ''Granted''] ''that'' you are right, I'm still against this plan.


-considering ~:~を考慮すると
-judging from ~:~から察するに
-seeing that ・・・:・・・であることを考えると
-supposing that ・・・:もし・・・なら
-[provided | providing] that ・・・:もし・・・なら
-taking ~ into consideration:~を考慮に入れると

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