

*語と語を繋ぐ [#b5241cc2]

-''John and I'' are good friends.

-I want to know how to lose weight ''quickly and easily''.


-Five ''and'' three make(s) eight.
*句と句を繋ぐ [#aa934a68]

-He has many friends both ''in China and in Korea''.
---both in China and Koreaでも可。詳しくは[[<both A and B>の表現:http://mep.papiko.com/index.php?and%E3%81%AE%E7%94%A8%E6%B3%95#vc206b5e]]を参照。

*節と節を繋ぐ [#e8bb6139]


**単純な連結 [#mb59097e]

-He lives in London ''and'' runs his own business.

**時間の順序を示す [#ec16a4e3]

-The singer cleared his throat ''and'' began to sing.

**因果関係を示す [#vd64f81c]

-She whistled ''and'' her dog came running.
**<命令文, and ・・・>(~せよ、そうすれば・・・) [#u832b4b0]

*3つ以上の語句を繋ぐとき [#fb30d2d9]

*both A and B:AとBの両方 [#vc206b5e]

-This book is ''both useful and interesting''.

-Brian ''both loves my sister and wants to marry her''.

-This software is available in ''both Windows and Mac systems''.
---available both in Windows and in Mac systemsとも書けるが、頻度は落ちる。略式では、both in Windows and Mac systemsとも書く。

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